Friday, May 14, 2010

Climate Bill

I agree 100%! This bill can change A LOT but yet the Government wants to hold it off? That makes no sense to me. It has been almost a month and no one has figured out how to fix this leaking problem. Shows me how hard the oil companies are working for our nation. It also doesn't help that the oil companies lied about how much was leaking into the ocean in the first place. Now there is millions of gallons of oil just leaking into our oceans, we are proving to be not so green friendly! It is good that hopefully by 2020 our carbon emissions will be cut by 17%, but does it really have to wait that long? In the next ten years MANY things can happen and that can all change. So what do you say Mr. Obama, can we speed this up a bit??

Climate Bill, WE NEED YOU!

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