Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Typical Justice

The article was written by Walter Shapiro; who was a senior writer for Time, he served as a speech writer for the Carter Administration, and was a political writer for Newsweek- just to name a few. He argues that people that are selected for the Supreme Court shouldn't be judged based on what they have accomplished in life. Shapiro states that "...a long line of activist presidents – both Democrats and Republicans – have altered the original intent of the Framers so that a degree from an Eastern elitist law school is now almost a constitutional necessity." I believe his intended audience is everyone; he wants to show people that nomination of Justices is more focused on what law school you atteneded, rather than genuine morals. President Obama nominated Elena Kagan to be our next Supreme Court Justice, which is great and all, except for the fact that she is just like all the other justices! If Kagan is confirmed for the court, then all nine justices will have either graduated from Harvard Law or Yale. Yes, it's a good thing that our justices have a law degree, but that shouldn't be the main focus on choosing a nominee.

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