Friday, May 14, 2010

Palin, You Idiot!

First of all, Sarah Palin works my nerves. On Friday Palin gave a speech in front of a anti-abortion group stating that she "understood how some women might consider abortion," because of her personal experiences being a mother of a child with Down syndrome and the parent of an unwed teen mother. But then she says abortion is morally wrong, and that women should carry a fetus to term. No offense to her or her family, but there hasn't been a traumatic experience that would lead up to an abortion. Her child was conceived with love, so having an abortion would just be ludacris; and Palin's daughter had sexual intercourse because SHE WANTED TO, which means that she was ready to be an adult and take care of a child. Both cases wouldn't involve abortion in my eyes. If it makes me unmoral to have an abortion because a cousin, uncle, or crazed man raped me, then so be it. I rather live with the fact that I'm "unmoral," than have a child that was conceived for all the wrong reasons. Palin also stated that President Obama was "the most pro-abortion president ever to occupy the White House," and that his health care bill would fund abortions. Turns out, she was wrong (of course) and that federal dollars would not pay for elective abortions. I am not to sure what President Obama's view is on abortion, but I'm pretty sure it would be a smart idea, especially for potential presidential canidate, to double check what you are even talking about. Mama grizzlie my ass.

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